
Beginners Yoga

This class is for individuals without prior yoga experience, or beginners who prefer to stick with a more chilled paced class. Get a solid foundation for our practice by learning the correct alignment and techniques, helping you to safely build and progress your practice.

Body Pump

BodyPump is a group fitness class that uses barbell exercises to shape, sculpt and tone your entire body. The workout consists of high-repetition, low-weight exercises performed to upbeat music. BodyPump includes body shaping, sculpting, and strengthing exercises for your chest, back, legs, triceps, biceps, shoulders - and your abs.

Yoga by the Castle

During the summer months we take our practice outside to the picturesque grounds of Cahir Castle. Roll out your mat in the Inch Field under the oak trees and practice yoga while taking in the beautiful surroundings of one of the largest and best preserved medival castles in Ireland.


HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is a type of interval training exercise. It incorporates several rounds that alternate between bursts of high intensity movements to significantly increase the heart rate to at least 80% of one's maximum heart rate, followed by short periods of rest or lower intensity movements.

Power Yoga Flow

This is an upbeat and create style flow practice, which will challenge you both physically and mentally. Expect a sweaty power class with lots of core work, arm balances and inversions.

Pregnancy Yoga

Prepare physically, mentally and emotionally for birth and motherhood. Prenatal Yoga classes offer many physical and emotional benefits, combining yoga poses and strengthening exercises with relaxation, mindfulness and breathing techniques.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Poses are held longer than in a regular class, often with the support of props such as cushions, blankets, blocks and straps.

Rocket Yoga

Rocket Yoga is fast-paced and has a dynamic flow. Its structure is similar to that of Ashtanga Yoga, consisting of Surya Namaskar, standing poses, seated poses, twists, and bends. In Rocket Yoga, students can modify and make their interpretation of the traditional asana.